Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Going Insane

They're annoying.  Ridiculous.  But in a moment of weakness, you get sucked into them.  I'm talking about infomercials.  You know what I'm talking about.  Infomercials are strange -- they start out like an infection but before you know it, you're reeled in, and you find yourself falling in love with the Shark steamer.  Whatever it is, we all find ourselves coming across these televised pests, only to convince ourselves once in a while that we need said item.

Therefore, I have to come clean.  I am no exception to this rule.  And after being bombarded by the Insanity workout infomercials, I finally bit the bullet.  Excited by the prospect of sexy, sculpted abs, I found a cheap copy of the workout and quickly jumped in.

In this quest for beauty, I intend on reviewing the product for you as well, updating my blog with pictures, etc.

First and foremost, I checked out a plethora of websites reviewing the workout before I bought into the Insanity workout, and I have to be honest: the reviews are scary.  Most will tell you this isn't the type of a program for a beginner because even the experienced workout artists struggle.

Yes, the program is, well, insane, if you will.  However, this doesn't mean you can't trudge along.  My first day was stinky.  I mean, I could barely keep up.  However, anyone with a little determination can transform him or herself into the "little engine that could" and give it all he or she has.  Plain and simple.  If you've got the determination, go for it!  You will more than likely have to start and stop, but it's okay.  In the words of Shaun T, "dig deeper!"

Okay...  so, you're going to have to learn to eat right.  The Insanity program comes complete with a nutrition guide, which asks you to eat five times a day.  For people such as myself, this is slightly overwhelming.  There is an underlying fear that you'll gain weight like crazy.  Frankly, if you're doing this program, you'll need all the nutrition you can get; you'll be working a lot of it off.  The meals are quite nice, actually.  Unlike icky diet plans, this one, I can handle.  I have a harder time eating all that I'm supposed to.  Anyway, the nutrition guide contains five different meals and the user picks one meal for each.  Typically, in the morning, I enjoy fruit, 1% cottage cheese, and Fiber One cereal.

Yes, five meals of this size is a tad much... however, even through my fear of getting ginormous, I have found that there's a glimmer of hope.  Keeping up with my program and taking pictures every week, I think I have found that I indeed am looking a little smaller instead of the balloon I have blowing up in my mind's eye.  (I have to add here that I've gained some weight...)

Keep in mind, working out the Shaun T. way, you'll be GAINING muscle.  So, for those like me, quit freaking out, take constant pictures, and you should be just fine.  Thus far, my clothes haven't gotten any tighter, and my shirts are starting to feel a little loose.  So, yay for me!  And yay for you...because thus far, I've learned that with some effort and the right mindset, Insanity lives up to it's name, but it's achievable!  With slight embarassment, I leave you with some visual results...

I'd like to think there's a slight differenct in the second picture...perhaps you may not think so.  Regardless, there is definitely a mental change I believe is quite evident.

For those who might be interested in the Insanity program, I would highly recommend it.  However, be forewearned, it is a challenge.  You will sweat.  You will have to break from time to time.  Hang in there, and you will see a change.

Good luck on all your beauty quests--I'll continue the Insanity transformation as it progresses!

Stay beautiful!

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